Existen muchas películas que hablan de duelos pero ¿Debería de verlas si yo estoy viviendo un duelo similar? ¿Cuántas reflejan la realidad de la pérdida? ¿Te enseñan a vivir un duelo sano o son tutoriales de qué no hacer? Hablemos de películas, hablemos de duelo.
Many of us have been facing increasing levels of political anxiety in the past days and weeks. It seems that the world has never been more divisive and polarised and there is a lot that we are uncertain and fearful of. In today’s episode we talk about how we can acknowledge that the future feels scary, but still find an internal sense of safety and peace, including: The value of stoic principles and focusing on what you can control The psychology of a strong belief system The power of staying present and grounding ourselves Overcoming doomscrolling and being informed but not overwhelmed How to talk about politics in a healthy way I know this time feels very scary and uncertain but I hope this tiny slice of the internet makes you feel safe and seen, love Jemma. PREORDER MY BOOK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/755841/person-in-progress-by-jemma-sbeg/ Follow Jemma on Instagram: …
Speakers: Joe Rogan Jocko Willink (via Lewis Howes) Jordan Peterson Marcus A. Taylor William Hollis David Goggins Eric Thomas Les Brown Tyrese Gibson Kobe Bryant Mel Robbins Theo Von Jim Carrey Chris Bosh Sadhguru Steve Irwin Sheryl Lee Ralph Cru Mahoney Dan "Nitro" Clark Matthew Perry Marcus A. Taylor Kobe Bryant Greg Plitt Jon Jones Coach Pain Lisa Nichols Spencer Beach Arnold Schwarzenegger Jeremiah Jones Tom Platz Marssa Peer Gary Vaynerchuk
✨ ¿Quieres eliminar los anuncios? Disfruta De escuchar sin anuncios con Estoicismo Filosofia Premium https://open.spotify.com/show/7DBG97sCzGtGqyC271qnA97 Cosas Que Las Personas Malvadas Hacen Cuando Saben Que Tú Sabes | EstoicismoDescubre las 7 cosas que las personas malvadas hacen cuando saben que tú has descubierto su verdadera naturaleza. En este video, exploraremos cómo el estoicismo puede ayudarte a mantener la calma y a responder de manera equilibrada frente a actitudes tóxicas y manipuladoras. Con estas enseñanzas, podrás observar y comprender los comportamientos de quienes buscan afectar tu paz, sin dejarte influenciar por sus reacciones. Aprende a mantener tu serenidad y fortaleza interior, y a manejar situaciones difíciles desde la sabiduría estoica.#Estoicismo#PersonasMalvadas#ComportamientoTóxico#SabiduríaEstoica#PazInterior#Manipulación#FortalezaMental#Autocontrol#CrecimientoPersonal#InteligenciaEmocionalestoicismo y personas tóxicas, cómo actúan las personas malvadas, comportamiento manipulador, sabiduría estoica, mantener la calma frente a la maldad, enfrentando a personas tóxicas, comportamiento manipulador, autocontrol¡Apoya a Estoicismo Filosofía en Ko-fi! ¿Te gusta lo que escuchas? Ayúdanos …
Have you been finding it tough to celebrate the small joys in life? In this episode, Sarah Grynberg emphasises the importance of embracing the small joys in life and being present in the moment. Learn how to practice mindfulness through simples suggestions like deep breathing and by starting your own gratitude journal. Sarah suggests simplifying life by slowing down, savouring meals, and enjoying nature to reconnect with its beauty. Self-care is also stressed as vital for nurturing joy, along with celebrating small victories that often go unnoticed. The concept of a "joy jar" is introduced as a creative way to document joyful moments, fostering awareness of happiness in daily life. Lastly, engaging in acts of kindness is presented as a powerful means to spread joy to others, reinforcing the idea that happiness multiplies when shared. All sounds doable, right? Devon Franklin: The Path To Joy …
Secondo un sondaggio di Business Leader, il 79% dei dipendenti intervistati non si fida del proprio datore di lavoro quando parla di benessere mentale o promuove iniziative per promuoverlo. La ricerca ha anche rivelato che il 20% delle società del FTSE 100 (l’indice azionario delle 100 società più capitalizzate quotate al London Stock Exchange) ha condiviso contenuti sulla salute mentale solo durante le giornate di sensibilizzazione, senza ulteriori menzioni durante l'anno su obiettivi raggiunti o azioni messe in atto. Ne abbiamo parlato insieme a Biancamaria Cavallini, psicologa del lavoro e direttrice operativa di Mindwork, società che si occupa proprio di benessere psicologico in azienda. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Dawn Sanders on Sitting with Rebuilding When Your World Ends (Part 2)
Can You Just Sit With Me? with Natasha Smith
In this episode, Natasha sits with Dawn Sanders, an associate minister at First Baptist Church of Glenarden (FBCG), where she serves as the director of the sermon-based life groups ministry. Dawn has written and taught extensively on overcoming adversity and creating a new life and she includes a roadmap of just how to do this in her new book When Your World Ends: God’s Creative Process for Rebuilding a Life.So come and sit with us and join the conversation. This is part 2 of 2 of our conversation. Be sure to listen to part 1 to get the full conversation. Please let us know what resonates with you. Main points:Embracing the creative process of rebuildingImportance of witnessing griefImportance of supportGod's presence during difficult timesHelpful Links:Join the newsletter | Sign up for monthly encouragement from Natasha here.Get your copy of Can You Just Sit With Me? …
No sufras más por el bullying, te tenemos la solución
Por el Placer de Vivir con el Dr. Cesar Lozano
El bullying es un mal de nunca acabar y mucha gente ha tomado decisiones fatales con tal de no aguantarlo más. Sin embargo, hoy te decimos cómo hacer para que no afecte tanto a tus hijos o personas cercanas y qué hacer con el acosador.
in questo nuovo episodio di #pmconfidential incontriamo Michela Valentina Benaglia naturopata olistica, iridologa e riflessologa che ci condurrà alla scoperta di un mondo dove guarigione fa rima con emozione. Ci parlerà del suo approccio olistico e dei meravigliosi fiori di Bach. Buon ascolto e buona visione 🙏🏻 Se l'episodio ti è piaciuto, ti invitiamo a condividerlo sui tuoi canali social e lasciare una recensione a cinque stelle, così da permettere a sempre più persone di ascoltare PMConfidential. Per rimanere aggiornato sui nuovi episodi, puoi iscriverti qui: https://paolamaugeri.it/podcast Se queste parole ti risuonano, ti aspettiamo all’interno di humans, la mia piattaforma di meditazione ed evoluzione personale per diventare la rockstar della tua esistenza. Puoi provare humans gratuitamente per 7 giorni su www.behumans.it
Develop the Monomaniacal Focus of the World's Most Successful Business Titans
The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma
At a time when the majority are suffering from Broken Focus Syndrome, the empire-makers have developed the magnificent ability to concentrate almost completely on the near-flawless execution of the few projects that will make their ethical ambitions real. When they work, they do real work versus fake work and understand the violence of being busy being busy. And wasting hours of their finest days mindlessly browsing online.My latest book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy” is full of fresh ideas and original tools that I’m absolutely certain will cause quantum leaps in your positivity, productivity, wellness, and happiness. You can order it now by clicking here.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube
Joan Carling (pueblo indígena Kankanaey, Filipinas) plantea una pregunta crítica: ¿cómo respondemos al sistema global que ve la sostenibilidad —y el futuro de nuestro planeta— como simplemente otra oportunidad de lucro? El cuarto episodio de Cruzar el río responde a la expansión del colonialismo verde y a la crisis climática enfatizando el papel crucial de los pueblos indígenas en los procesos de toma de decisiones que afectan sus vidas y territorios.
¿Por qué nos atraen personas que sabemos que no nos hacen bien? Esa atracción inexplicable por relaciones que nos lastiman puede parecer un misterio, pero en realidad tiene raíces profundas en nuestra historia emocional. A veces, confundimos intensidad con amor o nos enganchamos en un ciclo de expectativas y decepciones del que parece imposible salir. Solo cuando entendemos qué hay detrás de estas elecciones, podemos empezar a buscar relaciones que realmente nos nutran y nos hagan crecer. Te invito a descubrir las razones detrás de estas atracciones y a aprender cómo romper con los vínculos que te hacen daño para crear relaciones más sanas. . Te recomiendo: Ejercicio: ¿Por qué elijo personas que me dañan? T1 E73 ¡Siempre me pasa lo mismo! ¿Por qué repito patrones? Curso: Estilos de apego . ¿Te gusta el contenido? 💌 Suscríbete a nuestro Newsletter GRATIS aquí. 📚 Descubre CURSOS …
Dice Anabel Venegas, cofundadora del FACC (Festival de Arte y Cine Contrasexual), que pocas veces vemos a personas cog3r con "ñ" (o sea, en español) en el nopor. Por eso ella y Luis Mayorquín decidieron hacer un evento para exponer y premiar proyectos de (pos)nopor latinoamericano🔥 Nos contó cómo es que parte de su trabajo es ver nopor y cine 3rótico, cómo es prenderse en colectivo en las proyecciones del FACC y por qué es una forma de arte que necesita ser remunerada dignamente. Puedes checar todo sobre el festival en https://faccfestival.com/ y tienes hasta el 30 de noviembre para postular un proyecto ❤️🔥 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
NO - Limiti & Confini. Impara a dire NO, rispettare i tuoi limiti e confini e liberare la tua self-confidence: https://iseaberoggi.com/corsi/no-limiti-e-confini/ L’incapacità di validare e rispettare i miei limiti e confini mi stava consumando dall’interno. Ogni volta che ignoravo quel “no” interiore, perdevo un pezzo della mia verità, della mia energia, della mia libertà. Nella nuova puntata del podcast oggi, vi racconto delle conseguenze negative — invisibili e inattese — che l’incapacità di dire “no” ha portato nella mia vita. Per ricevere il workbook con esercizi pratici annessi a questa puntata, iscriviti gratis da qui: https://www.iseaberoggi.com/il-mio-nido-trasformativo/ Seguimi su instagram insieme a + 100 mila anime visionarie e porta profonda espansione nella tua vita: https://www.instagram.com/ilmiopuntovita/ Il mio nido per imprenditori e aspiranti tali: https://www.iseaberoggi.com/per-imprenditrici/ Se vuoi prenotare una consulenza di business online insieme a me: https://www.subscribepage.com/consulenza-business Se vuoi scoprire di più su di me e sulla …
Discover how connecting with water through all five senses can support well-being.A growing body of research shows that connecting with water through things like sight and sound and touch can have a positive impact on how we feel, how we think, and even the state of our bodies. This week, we activate all five senses through connecting with water in hopes of applying that research into reality. We hear from an environmental psychologist about the many proven benefits of spending time by water, as well as an indigenous scholar about the view of water not just as vital resources, but as kin that need protecting.Transcript: https://tinyurl.com/mt4sfdbhThis episode is supported by Tianren Culture, whose vision is “One Wisdom, One Health.” Tianren Culture is a next-generation social platform that acts as a catalyst to foster positive global values and lifestyles.Practice:This practice is all about connecting your five …