
Jillian on Love
How to Create a Healthy Relationship & Avoid a Toxic One
Jillian on Love

In this episode of Jillian on Love, Jillian shares the two MOST essential things you need for a healthy relationship. She dives into the life-changing power of a good relationship, sharing why they’re essential for both our emotional and physical well-being. Reflecting on recent studies, she explores how fulfilling relationships built on trust, respect, and emotional safety can actually extend our lives and make us healthier. Jillian gets real about the importance of selecting the right partner, explaining how understanding ourselves is crucial to choosing someone who aligns with our values and goals. Whether you're in a relationship, dating, or focused on friendships, this episode offers heartfelt, practical advice on creating connections that uplift and strengthen us on every level. Pre-order Jillian's book "It Begins with You" at https://www.jillianturecki.com/book ~~ Follow the show on Instagram: @jillianonlove Email the show at [email protected] Subscribe to Jillian on …

48 min 11 Nov, 2024
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Radio Headspace
Let Go of Toxicity, with Kessonga
Radio Headspace

In this episode, Kessonga explores how mindfulness can guide us in assessing our relationships. Learn to identify unhealthy connections and gain tools to let go of toxic ties for your well-being. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

6 min 11 Nov, 2024
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On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Alicia Keys: 5 Ways to Overcome Self Doubt & Build Confidence Within
On Purpose with Jay Shetty

How do you handle negative self-talk? What helps you overcome self-doubt? Today, Jay sits down with Grammy Award-winning artist Alicia Keys as she shares her journey of self-discovery, resilience, and holistic living. Alicia founded Keys SoulCare, a skincare line emphasizing holistic well-being, and is a co-founder of the initiative She Is the Music, advocating for gender equality in the music industry. The conversation sheds light into Alicia's evolution from a young girl with dreams to an icon balancing a multifaceted career. Jay and Alicia discuss the highs and lows of fame, navigating self-doubt, and the pressures of public life, providing listeners with valuable insights on managing stress and fostering a positive self-image. Alicia reflects on her childhood fears and the challenges of finding self-worth, candidly revealing how these experiences shaped her. She emphasizes the importance of staying grounded through practices like affirmations, journaling, and mindful …

1 hr 32 min 11 Nov, 2024
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Happier with Gretchen Rubin
Little Happier: After Hundreds of Visits to the Met, I Still Needed Someone to Show Me
Happier with Gretchen Rubin

During a visit to the Metropolitan Museum, a former museum guard showed me something interesting that I’d never noticed before, even though it was right in front of my eyes. Before, I didn’t see it; now I look for it every time. Get in touch: [email protected] Follow on social media: @GretchenRubin on YouTube @GretchenRubin on TikTok @GretchenRubin on Instagram @GretchenRubin on Threads Get the podcast show notes by email every week: happiercast.com/shownotes Get Gretchen Rubin’s newest book Life in Five Senses to see how she discovered a surprising path to a life of more energy, creativity, luck, and love: by tuning in to the five senses. Now available - order here. Visit Gretchen's website to learn more about Gretchen's best-selling books, products from The Happiness Project Collection, and the Happier app. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

2 min 11 Nov, 2024
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The School of Greatness
How To MANIFEST ANYTHING With The Secret Laws of The Universe | David Ghiyam
The School of Greatness

In this transformative episode, I sit down with spiritual teacher and successful entrepreneur David Ghiyam, co-founder of MaryRuth Organics. David shares profound insights about universal spiritual laws and how understanding them can unlock abundance in every area of life. David made his first million at 15 before facing years of financial struggle, and then eventually building a 9-figure company. His journey exemplifies how aligning with spiritual principles leads to sustainable success. Through powerful stories and practical wisdom, David reveals how our consciousness shapes our reality and why understanding the nature of our "spiritual vessel" is crucial for manifesting our desires.Get David’s course, Kabbalah ONE, todayIN THIS EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN:Why suffering is optional and how to shift your consciousness to manifest more effortlesslyThe three main factors that lower your vibration and block manifestationHow to expand your spiritual vessel to receive greater abundanceWhy judging others creates …

1 hr 53 min 11 Nov, 2024
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Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel
How Many Times Can I Forgive You?
Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

A year after explosive revelations of cheating and the existence of a 14 year old son her partner never told her about, a woman receives a call about a fresh round of betrayal. She is humiliated and in crisis, while her partner’s ability to compartmentalize has rendered him a ghost in his own life. They love each other and parent two boys but may not be able to find a shared reality in which to move forward. If you have an individual question you would like to talk through with Esther, please send a voice memo to [email protected]. If you would like to apply for a couples session with Esther, please click here: https://bit.ly/40fGHIU. Esther’s two new courses on desire are now available inside The Desire Bundle. Go to https://www.estherperel.com/course-bundles/the-desire-bundle to learn more about Bringing Desire Back and Playing with Desire. Want to learn more? …

1 hr 3 min 11 Nov, 2024
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Il Giardino della Meditazione
90 AFFERMAZIONI POSITIVE - Ritrova la Pace e la Serenità Interiore - Energia Positiva - Autostima
Il Giardino della Meditazione

Oggi ti proponiamo una serie di affermazioni positive e potenti che possono aiutare a ritrovare la serenità e la pace interiore. Buon ascolto!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

5 min 11 Nov, 2024
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Questioni di Fava
EP 128 | A un pensiero di distanza
Questioni di Fava

Quante volte ci ritroviamo bloccati, in un saliscendi tra voglia di fare e auto-sabotaggio? Questa settimana ti racconto di Simone, un corsista con il quale ho avuto una chiacchierata illuminante. Motivato a intraprendere un’attività che gli piace, Simone ha scoperto quanto sia importante avere un “innesco” per far scattare la motivazione e riuscire a portare a termine azioni piccole e grandi. Siamo davvero solo a un pensiero di distanza dal vedere le cose in modo diverso? In questa puntata scoprirai come un piccolo cambiamento può rimettere in moto l’entusiasmo. Ti aspetto.

18 min 11 Nov, 2024
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Episodio 34: Come prendere le decisioni migliori

Ognuno di noi nella vita pensa di compiere delle scelte razionali e sensate, ma spesso non accade precisamente questo. Dal decidere quale prezzo pagare per un televisore, alla scelta di mangiare cibi più sani, il nostro comportamento è guidato dall'irrazionalità. Alessandro Mora e Laura Antonini ti guidano attraverso una puntata dedicata alla nostra componente irrazionale, per imparare a gestirla al meglio e non cadere nei classici errori quando crediamo di compiere delle scelte giuste e ponderate.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

27 min 11 Nov, 2024
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Healing Feeling Sh*t Show
Happiness, Joy, & Contentment with Andrea Scher
Healing Feeling Sh*t Show

Join Rachel from the celebratory season of the Healing Feeling Sh*t Show which is honoring the release of Feel, Heal, & Let that Sh*t Go: Your Guide to Emotional Release & Lasting Self Love. In this season, you'll meet more experts on healing, some of the people who endorsed Rachel's book and get deeper insight into the art of Emotional Potty Training for Grown Ups. This week's guest Andrea Scher, author of Wonder Seeker: 52 Ways to Wake up Your Creativity and Find Your Joy (HarperCollins) brings magical inspiration around engaging with life with curiosity, synchronicity, and magic. Tune in and be lit up! Rachel's books are purchasable on Amazon and other book stores.For information on Rachel's healing offerings, visit www.thefeelingsmovement.com

56 min 11 Nov, 2024
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El podcast de Jana Fernández
Longevidad, estilo de vida y mentalidad antifrágil, con Jesús Sierra
El podcast de Jana Fernández

Nassim Taleb, en su libro Antifrágil, divide el mundo (personas, cosas, instituciones, formas de vida) en tres categorías: lo frágil, lo robusto y lo antifrágil: “Los sistemas antifrágiles utilizan el estrés para mejorar”. Nuestro cuerpo y nuestra mente están diseñado para crecer ante el estrés, pero buscamos lo contrario, la comodidad/homogeneidad y la tranquilidad/seguridad. Mi invitado de esta semana, el empresario Jesús Sierra, es un ejemplo claro de persona antifrágil, tanto en su estilo de vida como en su actitud ante la vida. En este episodio hablamos de rutinas y hábitos de estilo de vida cuyos objetivos son la salud y la longevidad y cuyo resultado incluye, además, un físico portentoso pasados los 50. Además, charlamos sobre cómo afrontar el día a día y los hechos inesperados e impredecibles que de vez en cuando se dan en nuestro mundo o en nuestra vida y que …

1 hr 45 min 11 Nov, 2024
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Dr. Peter Burgos Vega, PsyD - Almas en Espejo
¡La Destreza de Inteligencia más elevada de todas: la Sabiduría! - Dr Peter Burgos-Vega, Psy.D
Dr. Peter Burgos Vega, PsyD - Almas en Espejo

La sabiduría, considerada la destreza de inteligencia emocional más elevada, va más allá de simplemente entender o manejar las emociones propias y ajenas. La sabiduría emocional implica la capacidad de integrar profundamente las experiencias y emociones de manera equilibrada, permitiendo una comprensión amplia y serena de la vida y de las relaciones humanas.Esta destreza se refleja en la capacidad de tomar decisiones bien fundamentadas que consideran no solo el bienestar personal, sino también el de los demás. Implica una comprensión profunda de las experiencias emocionales y su impacto a largo plazo, y el uso de esta comprensión para cultivar relaciones saludables, resolver conflictos de manera pacífica y fomentar una comunicación autética.La sabiduría es esencial para enfrentar los desafíos complejos y ambiguos de la vida, ya que orienta la toma de decisiones con empatía y perspectiva. La Base fundamental de la Sabiduria es que el “Principio …

11 min 11 Nov, 2024
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El Club de los Buenos Días
35.- Así revelo a mi pareja su regalo mindful. ¡Ooooh!
El Club de los Buenos Días

Pues sí: hoy asiste, en directo, a cómo le digo a Marta cuál es su regalo de cumple. Y ya de paso, damos consejitos sobre cómo practicar mindfulness en movimiento. Y... estate muuuuy atent@! Estan a punto de abrir las puertas el club de Amigos de la Vida Mindful! Un grupo para practicar lo que explicamos en el Club de los Buenos Días!

22 min 11 Nov, 2024
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Las 3 R's
ACEITE de COCO: MITOS vs. REALIDAD con Claudia Álvarez y Nathaly Marcus en Las 3 R
Las 3 R's

🌴✨ ¡No te pierdas el nuevo episodio de nuestro podcast! Esta vez, Nathaly Marcus se sienta con Claudia Álvarez, nutrióloga funcional de Bienesta, para desmentir los mitos y realidades sobre el consumo del aceite de coco. ¿De verdad es tan malo como lo pintan? 🤔💭Únete a esta conversación fascinante donde descubrirás los secretos de este aceite milagroso y cómo puede beneficiar tu salud.#NathalyMarcus #Las3ŔsPodcast #AceiteDeCoco #Nutrición #Salud #Bienestar #MitosYRealidades #NutriciónFuncional #CuidadoPersonal #VidaSaludable¿Conoces y haz utilizado el aceite de coco? ¿Haz escuchado algún mito sobre su uso?🥥💪 ¡Haz clic y acompáñanos en este viaje hacia el bienestar! ¡Te sorprenderás con lo que aprenderás! 🌟👩‍⚕️👇Sígueme en mis redes para más contenido:✅ Instagram - https://bit.ly/3c6lvLv✅ TikTok - https://bit.ly/3fYWwLd✅ Spotify - https://spoti.fi/38gi6Y9✅ Youtube - https://bit.ly/3mvQreaiada Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

31 min 11 Nov, 2024
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El Podcast de Marco Antonio Regil
348 - ¿Cuál es el mejor anticonceptivo para mí? - Marco Antonio Regil y Dra. Paloma de la Torre
El Podcast de Marco Antonio Regil

¿Sabías que casi la mitad de los embarazos en el mundo no son planeados? A pesar de que tenemos muchas opciones anticonceptivas, los tabúes y el desconocimiento siguen frenándonos de tomar decisiones informadas. Acompáñanos en este episodio, donde la Dra. Paloma de la Torre y yo hablamos de las distintas maneras de cuidarnos, rompemos mitos y nos cuestionamos juntos: ¿quién debe asumir la responsabilidad de la planificación familiar? Cuidar de tu salud reproductiva, es un excelente paso hacia el bienestar que buscas. Gestionar el estrés puede ser el siguiente paso. Regístrate en mi clase gratuita y descubre cómo transformar tu relación con el dinero para bajarle al estrés financiero antes de que afecte tu salud. Regístrate aquí y, ¡te veo en la clase! almamatters.com/dinero-audio Sigue a la Dra. Paloma de la Torre: https://www.instagram.com/drapalomadelatorre/ En mi canal de Telegram, accede a contenido e invitaciones solo para …

1 hr 23 min 11 Nov, 2024
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