The Troll Deconstruction [A Calibrated Process to Bulletproof Your Hope + Energy From Toxic People] 11-Minute Episode

The Troll Deconstruction [A Calibrated Process to Bulletproof Your Hope + Energy From Toxic People] 11-Minute Episode

The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

The negative people, the pursuits you dislike and the environments that deplete your joy are costing you fortunes of income and empires of impact.When it comes to Best of Breed Performance, one of the most valuable things I explain to my clients is the imperative of releasing these success bandits from your life.The people who steal your fire, smother your ambitions and laugh at your visions are keeping your prosperity chained and your impact small. [This is an extremely important insight].Having the wisdom and guts to let them go [while still wishing them well on their life's journey] is a total results-changer.Deleting the energy vampires and drama enthusiasts, methodically and swiftly, will lead to your mindset becoming more positive, your bravery becoming more potent, your work becoming more excellent, your personal life becoming more peaceful and your place in the world becoming more unlimited.So you can become the person nature truly wants you to be.In today's episode of The Daily Mastery Podcast, Robin Sharma walks you through The Troll Deconstruction that will teach you some powerful tactics to handle any haters that try to limit your performance. If you’d like so much more information like this to keep you focused on your mission in these trying times along with science-backed insights and daily practices to increase your happiness, performance and peacefulness......Go ahead and read my latest book The Everyday Hero Manifesto. It’s become a worldwide phenomenon because it works. Period. FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube

Fecha de Publicación: 25 de noviembre de 2022

Duración: 12 min

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