The Common Denominator of A Sovereign Life? [10-Minute Episode]

The Common Denominator of A Sovereign Life? [10-Minute Episode]

The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

Early this morning I dissected the top traits—that could be laws—of the best leaders I’ve mentored over the past 25+ years. I’ve been travelling almost constantly lately giving leadership keynotes to fast companies and amazing organizations so these items are top of mind. And front of heart. You’ll find these ideas to be extremely valuable and I encourage you to listen deeply and discuss them with your team. Oh—so sorry but this is not a quick episode. In a world where so few can focus patiently and ponder ideas thoughtfully I want to ensure that what I send over to you is rich, robust and helpful to your mastery and supremacy.*****To help you stay positive, productive and peaceful in volatile conditions, Robin Sharma is giving away his #1 ebook for free. Click here to download yours for free.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube 

Fecha de Publicación: 8 de julio de 2022

Duración: 10 min

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