Nothing Happens Until You Start

Nothing Happens Until You Start

The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

We inhabit an era with far too much talk and much too little do.Look, I’m a serious evangelist for the necessity of rest, renewal and recovery. Wrote a lot about this in The 5AM Club and The Everyday Hero Manifesto.Elite performance without strategic refuelling leads to an empty well. And sometimes, a chronic illness.Yet that’s not my point here. My point is, instead, this one: fears unfaced become your limits.Or another way to put it is that the discomfort of growth is always less than the heartbreak of regret.Or another way to state it is that the job of a leader is to get things done and the calling of a human is to make their ethical ambitions real.The more times in a day that you rationalize why you can’t become all that you wish to be or handcraft the life that your best self wants, the more you’ll hardwire the neural circuit of that belief into your brain.And that which you keep practicing is that which you’ll become a pro at. We become amazing at the things we repeat.If you keep excusing away your power to do remarkable things, grow stronger amid adversity, and live the life of your ideals, you won’t do the work required to realize these feats.So your very mental habit will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. And actually limit the glory of your potentially awesome reality. FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube

Fecha de Publicación: 15 de noviembre de 2022

Duración: 2 min

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