Misunderstood Is the Price of Genius [Insights to Help You Honour Your Process] 7-Minute Episode

Misunderstood Is the Price of Genius [Insights to Help You Honour Your Process] 7-Minute Episode

The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

Very few habits are as destructive to human happiness as looking at what others have and do—and feeling that you’re inferior.Yet in this world of social media and digital diversion, so many of us are spending the better hours of our best days looking at the lives of others and measuring our success by what we see.Look, we’re tribal and hardwired to fit into the community. Helped us survive on the savanna. It’s normal to watch what others are enjoying and judge yourself against that standard. Having said this, if you seek happiness and peacefulness you must fight the urge to compare and, instead, train at becoming good at the honouring of the special gifts, unique talents and interesting blessings that make your life your life. No one alive today thinks quite like you, feels as you do and has the same configuration of strengths and abilities that you have.If you’d like so much more information like this to keep you focused on your mission in these trying times along with science-backed insights and daily practices to increase your happiness, performance and peacefulness......Go ahead and read my latest book The Everyday Hero Manifesto. It’s become a worldwide phenomenon because it works. Period.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube

Fecha de Publicación: 4 de noviembre de 2022

Duración: 7 min

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