Lead By Example [LBE]

Lead By Example [LBE]

The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

Monumental leaders  are constantly mentoring their people and championing the vision and values so that their teams constantly live the mission and exemplify the values.Leadership isn’t only for those with formal authority. It’s distributed. And everyone needs to think, perform and operate from this frame of reference.This makes the organization undefeatable in its marketplace....because each person is thinking like a leader rather than like an employee....because every teammate is behaving like an entrepreneur rather than as a passive bystander....because with everyone leading regardless of whether they have a title or not, the firm becomes a widespread victim-free zone.If you’d like so much more information like this to keep you focused on your mission in these trying times along with science-backed insights and daily practices to increase your happiness, performance and peacefulness......Go ahead and read my latest book The Everyday Hero Manifesto. It’s become a worldwide phenomenon because it works. Period.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube

Fecha de Publicación: 30 de octubre de 2023

Duración: 2 min

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