How True Luminaries [Sports Superstars, Visionaries, and Titans of Industry] Get Dreams Done

How True Luminaries [Sports Superstars, Visionaries, and Titans of Industry] Get Dreams Done

The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

While the majority does long for pure success, real greatness and their place at the table of genius, they refuse to install the beliefs, run the routines, do the work and live the days that would make so much of their readily observable reality.Add to this the fact that digital media has caused our brains to resist content that takes some effort, stretches our thinking and sparks our growth so you get a GCA [Gargantuan Competitive Advantage] available to you when you go contrarian by being a deep learner.Popular culture is selling us on the virtues of easy thinking and instant gratification lifestyles. But you know there's zero gain there. The great masters all think long-term, develop rigorous patience to train daily on their skillset and move toward their most difficult projects, for there is where legendary lives......Those who will win + shine + own the game also love ideas and information that push their limits. They ache to expand. They devote to ascension. They hunger for the heroic. They want to spend the rest of their lives on pursuits that are meaningful. And of service to others. While they exploit their potential on the road to mastery.For these Members of The Top 5%......personal elevation is their oxygen....relentless optimization is their addiction....making each year x100 better is their obsession.The rare-air few who lead their fields totally get that effort breeds reward. That hard work delivers beautiful fruits. That focus + practice provide genius.Oh, and that the path to amazing is a treacherous, dangerous and painful ride. Yet, it's so worth it.To help you stay positive, productive and peaceful in volatile conditions, Robin Sharma is giving away his #1 ebook for free. Click here to download yours for free.FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube

Fecha de Publicación: 8 de abril de 2022

Duración: 6 min

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