How to Become Michelangelo-Level In Your Market

How to Become Michelangelo-Level In Your Market

The Daily Mastery Podcast by Robin Sharma

Michelangelo was asked how he created his masterpieces. He replied that he simply saw the works of art embedded within the slabs of marble and then set about chipping away at everything that wasn’t of that work of art.  The best influencers (and elite athletes, artists and inventors) are boring. They are all about Mundanity: repeating the same few habits every single day (whether they feel like performing them or not) until these consistent practices incrementally morph into a tsunami of victory. Success lies in a masterful consistency around the fundamentals (please read that thrice). Don’t complicate things. Just repeat a few routines staggeringly well. [I explain my entire creative and productive process in my #1 bestseller The Everyday Hero Manifesto; definitely get your copy here].FOLLOW ROBIN SHARMA:InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube

Fecha de Publicación: 11 de enero de 2023

Duración: 2 min

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