SLT068: Simple Living with Liz Neighbors
Simple Life Together
We've been sharing our story about simple living here since the tail end of 2012. But we know we're not alone when it comes to simple living! We put the call out in our last episode for more volunteers to share their story here on Simple Life Together. answered the call and and today we have our second Profile in Simplicity guest who is going to share how she's simplified her life, too! But before we tell you any more about our special guest, we want to give you a little reminder/background about this segment. Read more... Background for Simplicity Profiles: We're looking at doing Simplicity Profiles every month or so. We’ll start the show with our featured guest and talk with them about simple living, how they embraced simplicity, what they've learned along the way, etc. We think the talks will last anywhere from 20 to 25 minutes. Sometimes longer, sometimes not. Then we'll do the announcements, sometimes a Thing segment, and sometimes the Qs & Comments segment. We think it’s great to highlight your stories, and for you to be able to share: Your triumphs Your challenges Your struggles Things you’ve learned along the way Each of us has our own story when it comes to simplifying, simplicity and simple living. Sharing what you’ve learned, what you’d do differently, advice you’d share, and even mistakes you’ve made on your journey, helps us all grow individually and as a community. We’re all in this together, so we’d all love to hear from YOU. When we started Simple Life Together, we kind of felt alone on our journey. We really wondered who would want to listen in and weren’t sure whether or not what we had to say mattered to anyone but us. Well, you’ve changed that for us, and we want to change that for you, too. We’ve been incredibly inspired by stories from the Edit & Forget It Facebook page, emails we’ve received, name it. YOUR story is unique...and if you’re willing to share it, it can serve to inspire others to follow your path. We’ve found out first-hand that something we mention in passing on the show can have a positive impact on someone on the other side of the world...and make their life a little better. Your story can do that too! The world is waiting, and we want to share our platform so you can share your story just like we have. Simplicity Profile: Liz Neighbors is joining us to share a bit about her simplicity journey. Liz and her husband Griff split their time between Connecticut and spending the summers in Cape Cod with friends. Liz worked in retail for years but stayed home to raise her kids for the past 18 years. In that time, Liz has blogged, ran an eBay business, and started getting that “it’s all too much feeling” lately like so many of us. She’s been a Simple Life Together and Edit & Forget It Challenge supporter right from the start. And get this...Liz started a mission of no shopping back in November of 2013 and is 7 months into her journey! Tell us how you got started on your simple living journey...and maybe paint a picture of what your life was like before you started simplifying your life. What was the catalyst? Everyone struggles in some way when it comes to simplifying or editing, or making major life changes. What has been the biggest challenge(s) for you along the way? And do you still struggle with any? What does your life look like now that you've been on your simplifying journey? Can you share with us some things you've learned along the way or things that you may have learned from others on the Edit and Forget It FB page? Tell us how people can find you Question: So, how have you been simplifying your life! We’d love to know. Be sure to leave a comment below. Thing Segment: Vanessa: Aereo….watch tv online. It's a nice alternative to cable and allows us to watch more local channels on our laptop or on our big screen television via Air Play. It was especially nice to watch the NBA playoffs and finals where the San A...
Fecha de Publicación: 19 de junio de 2014
Duración: 38 min
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