SLT050: Our Top 20 Simplicity Websites

SLT050: Our Top 20 Simplicity Websites

Simple Life Together

It's our 50th episode and we wanted to pass on our Top 20 simplicity websites, and also  our favorites for minimalism, lifestyle and more! You know, we have so many resources available to us these days that sometimes it’s hard to separate the wheat from the chaff, as the saying goes. It’s nice to have one source that you can go to in whatever interest category you have. So, we wanted to put together an episode and talk about some of our favorite websites and blogs that helped us on our journey, and still do...our Top 20 websites! Main Topic: We’ve talked about many of these before and even had some of the authors on the show, but we want this show to be a tribute to them and a resource for you. We decided to break them down into 4 different categories to simplify things (go figure...that's what we do here): Minimalism, Simplicity, Lifestyle, and  Lifehacking/Productivity/Tech...and we threw in a couple of bonus blogs too! So here they are, our Top 20 simplicity websites: Minimalism: Becoming Minimalist: Joshua Becker (listen to our interview with Joshua on Episode 11) Zen Habits: Leo Babauta The Minimalists: Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus Simplicity: Midway Simplicity: Mohamed Tohami (Tohami interviewed us! You can see it here) Value of Simple: Joel Zaslofsky (we talk with Joel in Episode 33) Be More With Less: Courtney Carver learn more about Dress With Less) Simple Life Reboot: Sheryl and Dave Balthrop Slow Your Home: Brooke McAlary Unclutterer: Erin Doland and staff iHeart Organizing: Jen Jones Lifestyle: The Simple Year: Kerry Reifel and now Kandice Bridges (listen to our interview with Kerry in Episode 25) Prolific Living: Farnoosh Brock (hear our conversation with Farnoosh in Episode 19) Tiny House: Alex Pino Rowdy Kittens: Tammy Strobel Apartment Therapy: They did a story about our office, aka the World Shedquarters) 48 Days: Dan Miller Lifehacking/Productivity/Tech: DocumentSnap: Brooks Duncan (Brooks talked about going digital in Episode 6) 4 Hour Work Week: Tim Ferriss Lifehacker: Staff Lifehacker had Vanessa on TWICE for the ASK An Expert series. Check out Part 1 and Part 2) Digitwirl: Carley Knobloch and staff Bonus Sites: (Tech) Mike Hyatt and team Real Simple: Staff On the Green Road: Cece Reinhardt + Brenda Daugherty Takeaway: So, there you have, the Top 20 simplicity websites and blogs that have helped shape our journey so far and that we still look to for information, inspiration and motivation. Question: So what are some of your favorite websites and how do you follow them? Do you subscribe to email lists, RSS feeds, etc? How often do you share content from your favorite websites, blogs or podcasts with a friend? Maybe it’s time to spread the love, huh? ----------------------------- THING Segment: Dan’s Thing: Community...especially the Simple Life Together and Edit and Forget It Facebook communities.  We learn so much and appreciate how everyone supports one another in their pursuits to simplify. Vanessa’s “THING”: Dymo LabelWriter.  This label maker has made life so much easier for Vanessa, especially when it comes to labeling file folders! It's fast, easy to use and very versatile with its many different sizes of labels. Announcements: We still have a couple slots open for Washington DC area meetup. We'd love to have you come join us for some great conversation, pay as you go snacks and drinks, and the chance to connect with others who are looking to lead a simple life in the modern world. We’ll be at La Tasca in Rockville Town Square at 7:00 PM on Sunday, 24 November. There are just a few spaces left. It’s a free event and really just a chance for us to meet you and get to know you face to face, so make sure you grab a seat before they’re gone! Just go to to sign up or search for Simple Life Together at

Fecha de Publicación: 21 de noviembre de 2013

Duración: 45 min

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