SLT 025: “Someday” Isn’t On The Calendar & An Interview With Kerry Reifel

SLT 025: “Someday” Isn’t On The Calendar & An Interview With Kerry Reifel

Simple Life Together

"Someday" Isn't On The Calendar & An Interview With Kerry Reifel of The Simple Year Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and leave a review in the iTunes store! It helps others find the show!  Thanks! Dan and Vanessa's Topic: "Someday" Isn't On The Calendar As we traditionally do when we have a guest interview on the show, the two of us will do a joint topic.  We've hit our 25th episode, and so we thought we'd reflect back on where we started and throw some ideas out to our listeners about where we might be headed with Simple Life Together.  Here are the things we reflected on and discussed: Made the decision to simplify our lives and for us that meant somewhere between consumerism and minimalism...not exactly sure how to define it other than “simple”, but now we know it’s not consumerism, not minimalism, not raising our own chickens and sewing our own clothes. Nothing wrong with that...just we’re not at that level! We looked for a community but couldn't find one! Dan wanted to start a podcast for years and said he’d do it "someday." Well, no matter how many times he looked on the calendar, he never found “someday” there. We decided that maybe the community we were looking for was looking for us, too. So, Dan floated the idea to Vanessa for a sanity check and she was all for it...and Simple Life Together was born. Dan brought some tech simplicity and military techniques to the mix while Van brought the organizer background to the mix. We’ve been amazed at the number of people who felt just like we did and joined us! Not that episode 25 is some magical number, but we’re having some pretty strong feelings about the show and the future of the show. We think a lot of people listen to the show and take some positive steps in their lives...not because of anything we say or do, but just because they know they’re not alone in the fight. We’re thinking of some logical next steps and we really need some help and advice from all of you on where we go from here: Considering a community site for more interaction, videos, tutorials, forums to share experiences, arranged by topic, etc. We’re also considering doing products for the community, too. Dan has already been asked numerous times to do a video screencast to go along with his Evernote Simplified Parts 1 & 2. It will be an investment on our part if we do it. If there is enough interest in the community, Dan may stop doing client work or seriously draw down on it to support the community In the end, it’s not about what we want, it’s about what you want! If you just want the podcast and that’s it, that’s fine, but if there is an interest on a full community then we’re considering that too. Dan create a survey that we ask you to please take 1 minute to click some boxes so we can gauge the level of interest. No commitment on your part or our part...yet...but we wanted to ask you what you’d like to see. So, please go to to take a 1 minute survey to share your thoughts with us.  We won’t make any decisions about the community’s future without your input. Heck you ARE the community!  So please, share your thoughts with us. It’s just 4 Questions, 4 clicks and and one block to share anything else that’s on your mind.  We really need your help on this one! Thanks so much and we look forward to your input, thoughts and ideas as we go forward with! Guest Interview: Kerry Reifel Of The Simple Year We were so lucky to have Kerry Reifel here on the show! Kerry is a middle class, working mother of two young girls and wife to an active duty military officer.  One year ago on April 24th 2012, just as her husband took off on a 6 month long deployment overseas, Kerry set out on her own exciting adventure of not buying anything new for one year. Although her family had the means to buy the things they needed and wanted, she realized much of it they really didn’t need.

Fecha de Publicación: 25 de abril de 2013

Duración: 1 hr 2 min

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