Health | Relational - Balance and Boundaries

Health | Relational - Balance and Boundaries

Morganize with Me

On this episode, my sweet daughter, Ainsley shared the mic with me. We chatted about how to balance your time and energy with your friends and relationships. Ainsley, at the young age of only 18, is wise beyond her years. She helped to shed some light into what teens are navigating these days, specifically when it comes to technology and accessibility. It's a different culture! And she also shared some great tips on how to use boundaries when necessary. I should mention that I shared that she and I are both 9's on the Enneagram. Well, after recording this episode, I have learned that I'm actually a 3 on the Enneagram. I have some 9 tendencies, but all in all I'm more of a 3. (If you know what I'm referring to this may make some sense, if not just disregard!) Ainsley, however, is still a 9. She is as easy going as they come. For all of the show notes + links click below on the "episode webpage." 

Fecha de Publicación: 10 de febrero de 2020

Duración: 12 min

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