Goals | The 3 C's and Salsa

Goals | The 3 C's and Salsa

Morganize with Me

Goals and salsa, what do they have in common??? Well...you'll see. Today, I'm sharing about how to set goals and the three things that are key when it comes to actually reaching your goals. After all that is the goal, right? (Ha, ha, but seriously...) You'll also want check out all of my organizing printables in my shop, the I Want, I Will, I Did printable is there too. Be sure and press that subscribe button and leave me a review (5 stars are great).  I'll try and send you some salsa...as my little thank you! For all of the show notes + links  click below on the "episode webpage."   

Fecha de Publicación: 31 de enero de 2019

Duración: 11 min

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